人肝癌抗原(PHC)ELISA KitHuman primary hepatic carcinoma,PHC ELISA Kit96T
人鼻咽癌(NPC)ELISA KitHuman nasopharyngeal carcinoma,NPC ELISA Kit96T
人膀胱癌抗原(UBC)ELISA KitHuman urinary bladder cancer antigen,UBC ELISA Kit96T
人癌基因蛋白质p190/bcr-abl ELISA KitHuman Oncogene Protein p190/bcr-abl ELISA Kit96T
人膀胱肿瘤抗原(BTA)ELISA KitHuman Bladder tumor antigen,BTA ELISA Kit96T
人胃蛋白酶(Pepsin)ELISA KitHuman Pepsin ELISA Kit96T
人BH3结构域凋亡诱导蛋白(Bid)ELISA KitHuman BH3 interacting domain death agonist,Bid ELISA Kit 96T
人胱天蛋白酶3(Casp-3)ELISA KitHuman Caspase 3,Casp-3 ELISA Kit96T
人B细胞淋巴瘤因子2(Bcl-2)ELISA KitHuman B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2,Bcl-2 ELISA Kit 96T
人肿瘤特异生长因子/肿瘤相关因子(TSGF)ELISA KitHuman Tumor Specific Growth Facter/tumor supplied group of factor,TSGF ELISA Kit96T
人色素上皮衍生因子(PEDF)ELISA KitHuman pigment epithelium-derived factor,PEDF ELISA Kit96T
人解整合素样金属蛋白酶8(ADAM8)ELISA KitHuman A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 8,ADAM8 ELISA Kit96T
人核因子-κB亚基p65亲和肽(NF-κB p65)ELISA KitHuman nuclear factor-κB p65,NF-κB p65 ELISA Kit96T
人脑红蛋白(NGB)ELISA KitHuman Neuroglobin,NGB ELISA Kit96T
人γ干扰素诱导蛋白16/p16(IFI16/p16)ELISA KitHuman interferon-inducible protein 16,IFI16/p16 ELISA Kit96T
人牛小肠碱性磷酸酶(CIAP)ELISA KitHuman Calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase,CIAP ELISA Kit96T